Friday, May 9, 2008

Putting You On Notice...

...Drivers who don't turn on their headlights in the rain.

Especially those who drive black, gray and dark blue cars. Even in states where there is now specific law, the general rule is "Wipers on, Lights on." Driving to work this morning in rather heavy rain, I encountered a good fraction of the cars out there having neither headlights nor taillights on, making my job of getting to work tougher and more frustrating. So all you bad drivers are on notice.

Put them up on the board, Stephen:

BONUS: We started the day only with inconsiderate drivers, but overnight, another group snuck their way onto the board: chinese hackers. I got into work today with the Senate Dems website not working right, and upon further investigation, found that someone had hacked into the database and overwritten most of the text fields with a link to a malicious script. Thankfully, backups had been created and all is right in the Garden State. Why do they hate us and our democracy?

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