Saturday, May 24, 2008

Camille Abate - You're on Notice!

Juan Melli over at BlueJersey has a piece up about 5th CD Democratic primary candidate Camille Abate's latest campaign mailer that claims that she's the only candidate that's been against the Iraq War from the start.

Not shockingly, that's a complete lie, as fellow Democratic candidate (and proud Harvard alum) Rabbi Dennis Shulman was vocally against the war since at least 2003. Such reprehensible behavior is nothing new from Abate as her behavior is very much rooted is a delusionary sense of superiority and a complete lack of moral fiber that is reflected by the behavior of her supporters on BlueJersey. She did this against Paul Aronsohn in 2006 and she hasn't changed since. I expect the results to be the same - a complete blowout of -Abate- but hopefully she doesn't make Shulman waste too much money before going on to face Scott Garrett in the general.

1 comment:

Subterranean Homesick News said...

Yeah like anyone is going to listen to a poker-addled dummy who blogs about his f&^king TV!

Camille was against the "war" since before it began, 2002. And it isn't a war. It was an invasion and occupation. Today's estimate was that there are 1,200,000 dead Iraqis. Shulman is a nice guy, but only Camille will stand up for us in Congress. Sorry, but if I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.