Thursday, March 27, 2008

Birthday Week 2008 Looks to Be a Good One

This year's week-long celebration of the anniversary of the birth of yours truly looks to be an above average one. Let's take a look:

  • March 29: First, we have the admitted students open house at Temple, where I actually tour the campus for the first time. I'm getting real excited about it all. Then the Birthday Party kicks off the week, with festivities moving to Dave & Busters after enjoying three straight years at the Cheesecake Factory. Many video games will be played, many drinks will be drunk and many jokes will be made at Scrappy's expense.
  • March 31: The big day! I get the day off from work and might be going to see Obama speak at Muhlenberg with Maggie. Can we celebrate? YES WE CAN!
  • April 1: Dentist. Okay, this isn't that great, but it does mean that I'm finally taking care of my teeth.
  • April 2: Pub Trivia at Fado. I fear I might be addicted. Good thing that I rock the trivia hard core.
  • April 4: Off again from work to evaluate the FPS State Bowl. How many hopes can I crush this year? Hopefully all of them.
  • April 5 (Bonus Day): Mom and Dad come down to Philly.
That's a nice week to look forward to. Plus hopefully I'll put in my first deposit for Temple and be on my way to becoming a lawyer.

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